
About John Gustafson

For 50 years I have been teaching psychology, chiefly behavioral neuroscience. This has involved three universities, published research into brain mechanisms of learning and living in a number of countries in Europe and Asia. For the past 20 years my teaching has been almost exclusively done online. I hold a Ph.D. in psychology.

About the Blog

Psychology is not masonry, cemented brick to brick and course upon course. It benefits from an approach that can tie its findings together, such as behavioral neuroscience. See if this approach can make psychology more useful to you. 

Romano and Engel proposed the biopsychosocial model of psychopathology many years ago and it seems to have become the dominant view today. Of course normal behavior benefits from the same three points of view, and it’s uniquely suited to effective teaching, nowhere more than in behavioral neuroscience.


No counseling services are offered through this blog. It is intended to circulate information and to stimulate discussion but not to treat psychological disorders. I urge anyone seeking treatment to find a psychologist or psychiatrist. You are welcome to use the APA Locator Service to find a psychologist or this locator for psychiatrists.